Global Targets — Local Benefits: Setting the Sustainable Development Agenda for the Seas of East Asia beyond 2015
International Conference Sessions, Workshops and Seminars
The International Conference (November 17-20) featured three major sessions that covered essential aspects of sustainable coastal and ocean development. Each day, the International Conference opened with a Plenary Keynote address followed by a panel discussion. After the plenary session, a series of workshops commenced for the balance of the day. For each workshop, conclusions and recommendations were prepared by the workshop participants. The workshop conclusions and recommendations were incorporated into session conclusions and recommendations, which were reported at the Closing Ceremony of the International Conference on 20 November.
The three sessions of the International Conference and the corresponding workshops include:
Session 1:
A Decade of Partnerships in Sustainable Development of the Seas of East Asia: Synergies and Achievements

This session explored the progress and achievements in coastal and ocean governance since the signing of the Putrajaya Declaration adopting the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA) in 2003 and explored new challenges and international commitments, and their impact on important coastal and ocean sectors and economies in the region.
Session 2:
Accelerating Actions for Sustainable Development and Climate Change

This session reviewed best practices and lessons learned in addressing issues such as climate change adaptation, biodiversity conservation, marine pollution and waste management, food security, alternative livelihoods and water use conservation and management through the application of integrated coastal management (ICM).
- Workshop 2.1: Scaling up ICM: Innovations and Impacts at Local, National and Regional Levels
- Workshop 2.2: Application of Knowledge Management in Scaling up Partnership Investments in Sustainable Development and a Blue Economy
- Workshop 2.3: Valuation of Coastal Ecosystem Services and Benefits and Coastal Use Zoning: Tools for Better Planning and Implementation
Session 3:
From Vision to Reality: Aligning the Global Agenda with Local Benefits

This session focused on ways and means of addressing issue-specific and region-wide objectives and action programs beyond 2015 under the updated SDS-SEA, UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and other international commitments.